This is a very important one, to understand how far we have fallen in our deceptions….
Churches for most are wealthy and should be regarded the way Jesus regarded the moneychangers in the temple….
Tithing..but its in the bible……Yes it is. Then study what the bible says, it is specific way of offering from your work to the temple for a specific period of time for a specific purpose of God.
Does it continue in the new testament churches, a huge NO.
Who started this,? The catholic church needed more money for funding their killing sprees ‘crusades’ and payments to kings. People were obligated to pay for their salvation to the pope (church) as being obedient and ‘faithful’. Many widows were also harassed until they signed their wills for the church. This said many kings seeking favour of the one pope who appointed himself to be god, gave many properties for the church. Many thousands heretics and unfavoured folks where tortured and ‘confessed’ and had their possessions taken away.. this continues in a civil manner even today to feed the lusts, the greed’s and the ‘work of the gospel of churches’…….
When you tithe you do give it to the pastor for he controls and uses the money. The days are long gone when churches used to be transparent and declare and show financial statements. In fact a;; churches since 105 3 c are now regarded as corporations and subject to its laws and control, (a new world order agenda) over 75 000 churches in the usa have betrayed theor members by secretly handing over members details to homeland security and there seems to be factual evidence that many received money from fema for it. One day they will know who follows the bible faithfully and you are marked…..
Moneychangers…..you are silly. AM I? Churches and evangelists, its leaders make money and for most very much of it. I remember Jesus saying,
And again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to pass through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God
but then who is listening, pastors, priests, evangelists and those who sell cd’s, dvd’s, books, magazines, musicians, gospel singers, films, christian entertainment businesses and more. Collection in churches for missions, for ‘the poor, plays, pagan christmas and easter celebrations…… wherever you look money money money….. the they go to the old testament specific for the levitic priesthood (take note here) and quote a verse or 2 and then even pray over it. For many they follow what other churches do, some in faith and adherence to contribute for their ‘works’ and sometimes the ‘mother’ church.
Jesus Christ came, lived as man and died and rose again on the third day.
Who replaces the priesthood? JESUS CHRIST. Good so far. Lets look at the early assemblies of the disciples and here is the key to tithing. They formed not churches, men did. They assembled and preached the ONE gospel of Jesus Christ to the assembly. For even God then spoke about an orderly assembly with elders and the conduct of women at the assemblies. God also spoke of the tares (followers) that satan placed in the assemblies to frustrate the gospel.
The key? There is not a single verse that teaches ‘tithing’ in the new testament assemblies, NOT one! A yes, Paul was a tentmaker, so he worked with his hands to support his many travels, parchments and ink. Mostly likely he received food from other believers in their homes. The other disciples where looked after similarly.
Now it get interesting. Paul wrote specifically as we read in: 1Co 16:2
On one of the sabbaths, let each of you put by himself, storing up whatever he is prospered, that there not be collections then when I come.
What was collected ? Clothing, food and blankets for taking with to the poorer churches
There are many verses for example the 70 that Jesus sent on a mission fieldtrip, they where commanded not to take money.
Ok, back to 21st century. The argument lies that buildings and pastors need money.
Let the elders apportion for the costs and a humble salary for the leader if it must be so.
Now to the person who tithes, what are you sowing you money into? Tithing is unbiblical. Churches should rely then on donations as ‘gifts’ from its members strictly transparent and accounted for.
Now comes the final line… is your church actually doing Gods work in teaching biblical (entirely perfectly biblical truth) or are they stumbling in the dark preaching darkness with the many other gospels that they preach….. and that is where you sow your money.
We all love the fellowship on sundays, but that’s not where it ends……we start with the so called ‘worship singing’ and the tithing and the sermon and go back home to watch football or send the kids to the friends.
Anyone poor and destitute asks me for food or clothes, I use my money to feed them or clothe them. …….