The question really becomes What is the truth about these festive days celebrated by christians and non-Christians the world over, and does God want us to keep them? Are we warned about these religious traditions of men in scripture? Answer is absolutely, Yes. Do these days have anything to do with God? Answer is absolutely, No. Why? The answer will likely astound and shock you. Lets focus for now on Christmas…. the pagan worship day.
Foremost there exist not a single verse in the entire bible, Gods Holy word which teaches nor instructs us to keep this day holy, nor celebrate it, in fact we are warned not to keep it.
We can study and research historical facts. When the christians grew in numbers in the roman empire, they became a very large and influential part of the society at that time. It is a fact that Constantine the ruler of the roman empire made a political decision to appease the christians and pagans people by combining their worship days around 312ad to embed his powerful position in the empire. It is also fact that originally the 25 December was a pagan holy day…which had been the day of pagan sun worship (son of baal), and how the influence of the pagan Manichaeism. Many Christians in Mesopotamia protested against this idol worship day but to no avail.
It appears that Christians did not observe this day until satans church of old, the catholic church in the 4th century AD made it a day to be officially observed by decree. Satan got to work. To embed the doctrine to worship mary in place of Jesus, the birth of Jesus became a ‘holy’ day, by the wicked decree of the ‘mass of christ’ which outwardly is the ‘celebration of his birth’ and inwardly in truth was the celebration that Jesus was crucified… pure wickedness and evil in design. This came enhanced by the ‘saint Nicolaus’, the santa claus, the elves, the mistletoe and the bearing of gifts. This has become now the largest ‘christian’ festival commercially the world over till today…
Now according to scripture Jesus Christ was born either 3 or 4 BC in the first week of October. That not being enough what about the traditional presents. King Herod, a wicked king sought to kill the baby Jesus he heard would be born and sent his 3 wisest men with customary gifts to seek the baby child and have it reported back to him. We know Gods holy spirit intervened and after the 3 men encountered the baby child went on their journey and returned not to the king. So much more proving the farce of this ‘christian worship day’.
There is a tragic ‘cherry’ on top in its evil design, it gets people (as created by the evil catholic church) to brake one of the commandments of GOD. Consider a young christian newly married couple telling their child (ren) about Christmas. When these children reach a certain age they learn their parents have lied to them! Whilst going to profess their beliefs, their Christianity, their importance of their faith …. the children learn their parents are hypocritical liars and cause much pain and confusion on the entire christian belief; us putting aside it is a purely religious tradition and has nothing to do with the GOD Yashua of the bible.
Each time you say ‘merry Christmas’ you celebrate the killing of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ…
As a believer and professing to follow Jesus Christ, I sincerely hope anyone reconsiders these verses very carefully, in case you reject all I state above:
GOD says here in Mar_7:8 For forsaking the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men: immersings of utensils and cups, and many other such like things you do.
Col_2:8 Watch that there not be one robbing you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ.
Now understand very carefully if the Lord wanted us to celebrate his birth it would not have been hidden from the believers!
Let us thus now know what did Jesus Christ who is GOD actually teaches us do to in such remembrance of Him, there is a verse in holy scripture which says the following from the mouth of GOD where we read in 1Co_11:24 and giving thanks, He broke and said, Take, eat; this is My body which is broken on behalf of you; this do in remembrance of Me.
This is what GOD tells us even 3 times! so we don’t get it wrong…. What are you doing with your will of worship…. follow the world or follow Jesus Christ? YOU choose wisely my beloved.
Amen and Shalom.
The pagan traditional day was ‘the day of the sun’ as celebration of the death and return of the sun, and was suggested to become to make Christian theology more acceptable to Pagans and the date of the first sunday of the spring equinox. This became the dates set to appear to the christian people to be the day the Lord was resurrected.
Most reliable appears to be originally the celebration of Ostara the fertility goddess of those days. So what is the origin of pagan easter? About an ancient god tamuz, (a story about never-ending cycle of life without direction and purpose) and this god died every year beginning of winter and was resurrected by the goddess ishtar in spring. Note ishtar and easter?
What will astound even more is that this worship day is nowhere to be found in scripture.
Why do you observe such things?
Ponder on this verses, which say:
Joh 4:24 God is a spirit, and the ones worshiping Him must worship in spirit and truth and Jesus says further here Mat_15:9 But in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.” Isa. 29:13
Mar_7:7 and in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” Isa. 29:13
and finally Jesus says here in conclusion
Mat 7:22 Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many works of power?
Mat 7:23 And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; “depart from Me, those working lawlessness!” Psa. 6:8
With much love and care and hope, may the truth set you free…Amen
I tremble every time I speak to ensure I speak of nothing but according to the word of GOD in faith and truth.
Telling you the pagan historical facts, the religious rites and wicked practises of the like christmas and easter is; is to open your eyes and look very diligently and carefully at scripture and what GOD says and teaches.
This said observe the day in the correct spirit and understanding if you must, ….not as religious rite with all its lies and deceptions, but as a day set aside by man to..
…teach your children truthfully and others that Jesus Christ was born just as foretold in prophecy, He walked amongst us and He was crucified and He rose again to show Himself He is God and thus perfect proof that He is the only living GOD and we are to worship Him and to read and study His Word which is given to us not in condemnation but in love to come to salvation through Him, by the holy spirit and therefore come to be in a relationship with Him and have hope in eternal life… Amen
It is that time again now in 2016, that we hope many eyes open to truth from scripture and rebuke these pagan religious rituals passed off as from God, when they are of wickedness.
God Save Me Foundation.
“Then I heard another voice out of heaven say: “My people, come out of her! so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not be infected by her plagues,”
Revelation of Yeshua to Yochanan (Rev) 18:4 CJB
Absolutely, this verse applies primarily to the papacy, the religions and the traditions of men.
‘Come out of her” Who is she? She is the harlot fornicating against GOD and His people.