It is all about sharing and learning the word of God, truth is in Christ.
1. The first thing to do is change your picture
Changing you profile picture in easy 1-2-3 steps.
1. Log in
2, Navigate to the box ‘user currently logged in’ and click on it
3. Click on ‘profile’ tab and then ‘change profile picture’
4. Upload a picture of yourself from your computer and voila your done.
2. Now create new posts by clicking ‘New’ in the top black bar and create a new post
3. Go to any existing posts and you can comment or ask questions
You are ready for fellowship..
There is also a general Site Help in the Menu widget top left side…
Fantastic news, we have now surpassed over half a million hits since launching this new website in 2015.
Congratulations Team.
ED Pres GOD Save Me Foundation.
To all the beloved brothers and sisters, the visitors and readers.
We are pleased to announce that we have had 662,046 hits on this site since the start.
Hearty welcome to the new members…..
It is all about sharing and learning the word of God, truth is in Christ.
1. The first thing to do is change your picture
Changing you profile picture in easy 1-2-3 steps.
1. Log in
2, Navigate to the box ‘user currently logged in’ and click on it
3. Click on ‘profile’ tab and then ‘change profile picture’
4. Upload a picture of yourself from your computer and voila your done.
2. Now create new posts by clicking ‘New’ in the top black bar and create a new post
3. Go to any existing posts and you can comment or ask questions
You are ready for fellowship..
There is also a general Site Help in the Menu widget top left side…
Any questions write to [email protected].
In God we trust.
Site Administrator
God save me foundation
Fantastic news, we have now surpassed over half a million hits since launching this new website in 2015.
Congratulations Team.
ED Pres GOD Save Me Foundation.
To all the beloved brothers and sisters, the visitors and readers.
We are pleased to announce that we have had 662,046 hits on this site since the start.
Thank you Lord.
May the TRUTH set YOU free, and GOD take mercy.
Minister Karl J jung