- - "Letter to the Faithful – May 30, 2016.
“The Lord and His Grace be with you !”
No matter how you think, change will occur and knowing this I encourage all the saints in Christ to embrace it for we have been commanded to change with the renewing of our minds as the start and towards the full transformation that awaits us as we are taken up into God’s Kingdom. Change according to the Word and seeking to embrace and put into action the fruit of the Spirit as Paul outlines. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness (submissive), temperance (control). All these we have to work on and more. Paul encourages us to yearn for meat and to come off milk, that is, in the revelation of the Word, the Kingdom and ourselves. To change is not easy but all it takes is a start, discipline, and accountability not only to man but more to God. […]"View
active 7 years, 6 months ago