We are all very aware of the fact that malcontents are going around and pulling down war memorials along with historical monuments. This is even being encouraged by so-called civil rights organizations. These activities are evil and mostly senseless. Some do not like some aspects of history but it is important to remember the past and to learn from it. History and heritage are good teachers. Lets not hide it!
Spanish American philosopher George Santayana said, “Those that can not remember mistakes from the past are forced to relive them”. That is my paraphrase and many other thinkers have stated similar statements. Some might wonder if the word of God promotes the teaching of history and heritage. Yes, the scriptures do indeed tell us to not forget the past, and that it is to be promoted! Just look at the wonderful Book of Deuteronomy, at chapter 4 (verse 4)…
“But watch out! Be careful never to forget what you yourself have seen. Do not let these memories escape from your mind as long as you live! And be sure to pass them on to your children and grandchildren.”
Actually Deuteronomy is a book full of logic and promotes heritage. It influenced the prophet Jeremiah as he tried to reform Judah, and it was quoted in the New Testament.
Pastor Zomok