Oct 272015
bible key

Revelation 12:10 says that Satan was overcome by Salvation. So, Christians have already rejected Satan and his demons and been given eternal life through Jesus. Why then, are people here, so occupied with the preaching of the devil and his demons to the point where they’re no longer preaching the good news of Jesus’ coming to provide forgiveness of sins for all who will believe?

A brother of mine posted this above discussion on another site and it is really worth noting here. I will add my comments as I replied to it.

Sep 192015
bible key

Mat 16:18  And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.


The catholic church builds its foundation and many other churches followed the interpretation of this verse.

In fact in the basilica there is a black statue whose toes must be kissed of supposedly of peter but in truth it is actually a idol of the roman god zeus, a form of masked sun worshipping, or satan worshipping. This became what is one of the most perverted verse in scripture by wicked men to establish the foundation for man’s church doctrine  as authority over man.

How on earth did man get it so wrong. Jesus Christ will never build His assembly of saints on a man, even peter.

Lets get a biblical truth from Gods word the bible which harmonises with the rest of scripture:

We read here in

Mat 16:14  And they said, Some say John the Baptist, and others Elijah, and others Jeremiah, or one of the prophets.

Mat 16:15  He said to them, But you, whom do you say Me to be?

Mat 16:16  And answering, Simon Peter said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Mat 16:17  And answering, Jesus said to him, Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for flesh and blood did not reveal it to you, but My Father in Heaven.

Mat 16:18  And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My assembly, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against her.

Mat 16:19  And I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of Heaven. And whatever you bind on earth shall occur, having been bound in Heaven. And whatever you may loose on the earth shall be, having been loosed in Heaven.

The question here is a discussion with the disciples when Jesus asked them who do the people say he is. Some say John some Elijah etc. he then asks them who they think he is and they say he is Christ the son of God. Then Jesus looks at peter and says you are peter. Full stop!  the original word which is καί and here comes now the true meaning, Jesus stops the refers to verse 16:16 you are Christ, … (and koi) … then continues his teaching that Christ is this rock upon this rock (Christ) the assembly of saints will be built. NOT PETER….This harmonizes because Jesus teaches he is the cornerstone and all others that become saved will follow him, or be built on Him, Christ, the holy spirit to build the new Jerusalem the spiritual ‘city’…….

Be deceived by no means my friends, when a verse makes no sense or appears to make sense it has to harmonize perfectly with the rest of the bible else we interpreted it falsely…

the ‘church’ is the body of true believers not to be confused with the churches as we know them from the church of rome, the mother harlot of churches to our churches today, which are mere buildings and instruments of religion, not of GOD.

Amen and Shalom

Sep 042015
bible key

both simple and beautiful.

Image result for nearly wild rose

We all have different tastes or likes and I am no exception.  I find myself more attracted to the simple wild rose with its 5 petals instead of the hybrid roses with layers and layers of petals.  The simple wild rose is less messy and cluttered.  This is not a put down to elaborations.  It has its place but cluttering is not good. Truth is like a simple wild rose bloom.  It is beautiful and without complications.

If a person denies truth and is sinful they complicate their life with a patchwork of pains and problems.  It is easier to follow the rules that God has written in stone (Exodus 20).  Life is easier if one follows simple truths.  Speaking of the 10 Commandments, Yeshua summed them up in two cardinal rules.  These are found in Matthew 22 and simply stated are: LOVE GOD, and LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. …..Selah….

pastor Zomok (one of my oil Paintings below)


Aug 262015

In the Bible, God repeatedly describes the nature of the sin of the church. Much that is unbiblical goes on in congregations and denominations today. This is not apostasy in sects and cults, which obviously are under the power of Satan; rather, it is in evangelical, Bible -related churches. To our utter consternation,  these sins apply to a high degree to many of the most conservative contemporary churches and  denominations.

In the Bible, we can learn how God plans to eventually destroy the New Testament church as it
becomes increasingly sinful. It will be by satanic activity working through false gospels that look so much like the true Gospel that even the elect would be deceived, if that were possible…..   (for it is not as they have the holy spirit within them)

The Bible discloses that right near the end of time, Satan will become the dominant ruler within the congregations. In II Thessalonians 2, God speaks of the man of sin taking his seat in the temple. It will  be seen that the man of sin can be only Satan.

We read in Matthew 24:24: “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
In Revelation   13:7, God informs us:  “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to  overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”
Revelation 13 speaks of the beast that comes out of the earth. This can be only Satan and his dominion,  as he rules through false gospels. By this means, he is able to destroy the churches that are under the judgment of God. Thus, he is able to overcome the saints, the true believers, within the congregations.

Why does God write extensively in I Corinthians 12, 13, and 14 about the
phenomenon of tongues? One might be surprised to read in the Bible about this temporary phenomenon.
A few decades after this phenomenon occurred in the church in Corinth, the visions of the Book of Revelation were received by the Apostle John on the Island of Patmos.
The Book of Revelation closes with the warning that anyone who adds to its words will be subject to plagues; therefore, there can be no further revelation from God by visions, voices, tongues, or anything  else. Thus, the phenomenon of tongues that occurred in the church at Corinth would also have come to  an end. From that time to the present day, do not expect God to bring a message by these means or by any means other than what He has given us in the Bible.

An ever-increasing number of individuals and congregations all over the world fail this end -of-time program. The tongues movement, part of the “charismatic movement,” is sweeping through
like wildfire. The “charistmatic movement” was started by the wickedness of freemason billy graham and many followed his directives under satan. Virtually every denomination has churches that have welcomed it with open arms. One of these gospels in the supernatural occurrence of tongues, which is found in most churches today and many pastors and preachers use it and encourage it. The church has become increasingly  apostate.
Consequently, God is blinding people so that they believe this movement is of the Holy Spirit. They do  not realize that it is of Satan. By means of this phenomenon, Satan appears to be defeating the true  Gospel to a degree never before realized.
The  second  characteristic of the tongues movement is an interest in signs and wonders. There is a conviction that God is performing miracles today, as our Lord and the twelve apostles did signs and wonders. Miraculous healing is most commonly expected. The sign of people falling backward (being  “slain in the spirit” as some call it), is evidence of a supernatural event. While so-called miraculous  healing can be explained in earthly, physical terms, falling backwards appears to be unexplainable from  an earthly, physical vantage point.

We read in revelations that the bible is a sealed book, it is completed by God for us and we are warned not to add nor remove from it. Therefore there will be no more tongues after 100AD to ‘add to the bible’ there will be no more prophets nor messengers after 100AD.

When God is ready to destroy this earth by fire and create new heavens and a new earth, He will bring  judgment on the churches that have become increasingly apostate. God utilizes Satan for this dreadful  task even as He used the wicked nations of Assyria and Babylon to destroy ancient Israel. Satan will not  be the final victor. When Satan thinks he has won, God will bring him into judgment. Revelation 20:9 and the end of time will come… Glory to God.

Jesus Christ says I will send you the comforter the Holy Spirit.   That is what we are to TRUST.

God warns so lovingly…..be not deceived by no means My children by no means……

Shalom and be blessed of truth and Gods

Aug 182015

GODs PERFECT SPIRITUAL PLAN of salvation …a biblical understanding

Let’s see what God says from the bible: We need to understand spiritually, God is spirit.

In the beginning was GOD, from everlasting to everlasting, the Almighty Father.

Let us look at what GOD teaches us. Jesus Christ before creation atoned for the sins of who he will save in all time. When God created the world it was eternal, however when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin took place and creation became cursed, therefore death entered the world. In fact the first death came to an animal due to their transgression and they became clothed to hide their nakedness.

We know perfectly well, Gods perfect law on sin. Any and all sin is punishable by death. This is the beginning of the salvation plan that God determined before creation; else there would be no purpose to life.

Now we know perfectly well that all men are sinful and lust after the flesh and are condemned to die, unless he or she becomes saved by God.

So what does the world theology and christianity prevalently preach? In days of old satans catholic church taught you become saved if you are a church member, confess your sins to the priest and part with your wealth. In today’s churches many have differing self-made salvation plans and these are sprinkling of water, water baptism, being a member of the church and then mostly with an ‘altar call’ where he/she accept the Lord and then become members and are ‘reborn’ and ‘saved’ This is all a lie.

Churches pick a verse here and there and say ‘confess your sins’ or something like merely believe in Jesus Christ and you are saved…, for even ‘our faith’ is works!   We must understand carefully what we as men believe and call faith; which is unlike the biblical believe and faith!

Biblically GOD does all the saving, we are saved by the Grace of God and not any work we do.

Biblically no man nor woman truly KNOWS whether he or she is truly saved, all else is a lie as we do not know the mind of God, its blasphempous to do so.  So how do we actually become saved?

God has set one condition to becoming saved and that is we must come under the hearing of the word.

Well, we know God loves us, however at any some stage in our life, of some who are chosen before time, God causes us to call on Him. IF God takes mercy on the man or woman, he or she is condemned to death in that instant and the soul dies, and in that instant you receive a new soul; which when we study scripture reveals the second of only 2 mysteries not taught to us in scripture, is that the new soul sinneth not.

However, as we still have our mortal bodies we still lust after the flesh and likely will still commit sin, however the indwelling Holy Spirit will convict us and slowly surely we walk towards becoming holy.

God also teaches perfectly the moment you become saved ‘He writes His laws on your heart’…..

No not one truly knows whether he/she is saved, however because we enter a personal relationship with God we find ourselves loving God, obeying his laws and increasingly becoming aware of how we can serve him. When we do become saved by God, then we are also able to believe that Jesus came, died and rose again, AND we receive the Faith of Christ, then we can say we believe and have faith, which is not from us but from Jesus…….Amen to that.

Something else happens when we truly become saved, …and as we not know Gods mind, neither boast anyone they do, we don’t truly know we are saved but we receive another great gift from God and that is HOPE. We also rejoice as if we are saved it is eternal, none are lost, knowing that even your future sins are forgiven, thus if you are truly saved you wish not to grieve the holy spirit and do all in your power not to sin anymore….

We know sadly most christians trust their churches, their leaders, their doctrines, their false gospels, and their ‘beliefs’ that they are surely saved or reborn and most revelations teaches that many (actually most) christians will perish by death with all the others. It’s all in the bible every word. We understand that only about 200 million people from Adam to the last day of judgment day are actually saved in this salvation time of just over 13000 years.

So what must I do, well first trust the bible alone, love God above all things,  God says come to me ‘with a broken and contrite heart’ and pray pleadingly for mercy on your soul….

God the Father and Jesus the holy spirit loves you more that any man can consider or know…. AMEN