Oct 142018

JESUS CHRIST is GOD. He came as a man, to walk amongst us, to reveal himself and show that salvation can only be by Him alone. Jesus performed miracles, raised the dead, healed thousands, He was crucified, and rose again on the 3rd day, and was seen by men and women in AD33.  That PROVES the He IS GOD, and we are to TRUST HIM alone. He PROVES and demonstrated SALVATION, which can only come by Him.

AND Him being the Holy spirit of GOD reveals the ONLY LIVING GOD that exists, our beloved  Almighty Father, who is the 1st and the last, and there is none besides Him.

This we do by reading and studying the BIBLE, which is His Word for us men, women and children, who seek Him, and seek salvation to eternal life. KNOW this that “GOD is in NO religion”…..ALL religions are man made and ruled by satan, also called the devil.  Glad to share TRUTH,

We read here in John 1 v17
For the Law was given through Moses, but GRACE and TRUTH came through Jesus Christ.
and in John 8 v32
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Minister Karl       Shalom

Sep 292016
bible key

Probably the most noted and extreme view of “predestination” is that advocated by the core of those with Calvinistic theology. In their view God chose a relatively small group of people to be “saved” and the rest are going to the fires of hell (the pagan rooted traditional “hell”, which I consider disproved). In this scheme there is no choice. You are either a small elect group that is saved or you scream for endless eons (suggesting that God sustains sin).. One text often cited to support this is Ephesians 1:4—
“Even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes.”
This text does plainly indicate that God certainly chooses certain people and fits other verses and scriptures like John 6:44, although there is nothing here proving everyone else goes to the fabled hell. People are saved from what? They are saved from DEATH (Romans 6:23, John 3:16, Matthew10:28…etc…). They are not saved from Dante’s Inferno! Another text often used to support some predestination is Romans 8:28-30. Although these verses do indicate clearly that God chooses a special elect group it does not support the general Calvinistic contentions that only a little group are saved and the rest go to a sadistic hell. They put the above verses in contradiction to many other verses due to their incorrect outlook. Many verses imply that many people are eventually saved, if not all. Look at Romans 5:18-19—
“Yes, Adam’s one sin brings condemnation for everyone, but Christ’s one act of righteousness brings a right relationship with God and new life for everyone. 19 Because one person disobeyed God, many became sinners. But because one other person obeyed God, many will be made righteous.”
These two verses contradict the contentions of Calvinistic predestination. The above does not say only a small group of elected people are saved. It implies that everyone will be!! See also 1 Corinthians 15:22. Now one might still ask if Ephesian 1:4 is really in contradiction to Romans 5:18-? I would say no. Although some verses speak of God choosing some people, whereas other verses seem to imply that God wills all (or many) to be saved, there might be a simple answer to clear this up!
I think God chooses some people to be saved now and the rest he chooses later. After all the scriptures are clear that “every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess God.” (Romans 14:11). I doubt if God is going to destroy all these folks bowing before divine majesty, nor is it a forced bowing and confessing.
Ever since the start of Christianity there has been people that wish to bring in false doctrines and confusions only to control and enslave others with fear. Woe to those that make what is simple difficult in order to lord it over others or to gain financially. This is not to say that proponents of the regular “hell fire” view are evil and deceptive..of course not.. They are victims too…held hostage to error.

Pastor Zomok

Aug 182015

GODs PERFECT SPIRITUAL PLAN of salvation …a biblical understanding

Let’s see what God says from the bible: We need to understand spiritually, God is spirit.

In the beginning was GOD, from everlasting to everlasting, the Almighty Father.

Let us look at what GOD teaches us. Jesus Christ before creation atoned for the sins of who he will save in all time. When God created the world it was eternal, however when Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin took place and creation became cursed, therefore death entered the world. In fact the first death came to an animal due to their transgression and they became clothed to hide their nakedness.

We know perfectly well, Gods perfect law on sin. Any and all sin is punishable by death. This is the beginning of the salvation plan that God determined before creation; else there would be no purpose to life.

Now we know perfectly well that all men are sinful and lust after the flesh and are condemned to die, unless he or she becomes saved by God.

So what does the world theology and christianity prevalently preach? In days of old satans catholic church taught you become saved if you are a church member, confess your sins to the priest and part with your wealth. In today’s churches many have differing self-made salvation plans and these are sprinkling of water, water baptism, being a member of the church and then mostly with an ‘altar call’ where he/she accept the Lord and then become members and are ‘reborn’ and ‘saved’ This is all a lie.

Churches pick a verse here and there and say ‘confess your sins’ or something like merely believe in Jesus Christ and you are saved…, for even ‘our faith’ is works!   We must understand carefully what we as men believe and call faith; which is unlike the biblical believe and faith!

Biblically GOD does all the saving, we are saved by the Grace of God and not any work we do.

Biblically no man nor woman truly KNOWS whether he or she is truly saved, all else is a lie as we do not know the mind of God, its blasphempous to do so.  So how do we actually become saved?

God has set one condition to becoming saved and that is we must come under the hearing of the word.

Well, we know God loves us, however at any some stage in our life, of some who are chosen before time, God causes us to call on Him. IF God takes mercy on the man or woman, he or she is condemned to death in that instant and the soul dies, and in that instant you receive a new soul; which when we study scripture reveals the second of only 2 mysteries not taught to us in scripture, is that the new soul sinneth not.

However, as we still have our mortal bodies we still lust after the flesh and likely will still commit sin, however the indwelling Holy Spirit will convict us and slowly surely we walk towards becoming holy.

God also teaches perfectly the moment you become saved ‘He writes His laws on your heart’…..

No not one truly knows whether he/she is saved, however because we enter a personal relationship with God we find ourselves loving God, obeying his laws and increasingly becoming aware of how we can serve him. When we do become saved by God, then we are also able to believe that Jesus came, died and rose again, AND we receive the Faith of Christ, then we can say we believe and have faith, which is not from us but from Jesus…….Amen to that.

Something else happens when we truly become saved, …and as we not know Gods mind, neither boast anyone they do, we don’t truly know we are saved but we receive another great gift from God and that is HOPE. We also rejoice as if we are saved it is eternal, none are lost, knowing that even your future sins are forgiven, thus if you are truly saved you wish not to grieve the holy spirit and do all in your power not to sin anymore….

We know sadly most christians trust their churches, their leaders, their doctrines, their false gospels, and their ‘beliefs’ that they are surely saved or reborn and most revelations teaches that many (actually most) christians will perish by death with all the others. It’s all in the bible every word. We understand that only about 200 million people from Adam to the last day of judgment day are actually saved in this salvation time of just over 13000 years.

So what must I do, well first trust the bible alone, love God above all things,  God says come to me ‘with a broken and contrite heart’ and pray pleadingly for mercy on your soul….

God the Father and Jesus the holy spirit loves you more that any man can consider or know…. AMEN