Jan 272016
bible key

Christians And Christmas
“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it” (1 Cor. 10:26).

It is often said that Christians should avoid Christmas and Easter because they have historical connections to pagan rituals. However, because 1 Cor. 8-10 tell us that it is OK to eat the meat that pagans have sacrificed to demons, it naturally follows that whatever the pagans have done in any other ritual should not influence us either.

Regarding the meat sacrificed to idols –

  • 1 Cor. 8:8-9 say that we have freedom to choose whether or not to eat this meat because “food does not bring us near to God; we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do”.
  • Also, 1 Cor. 10:25-26 say, “eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience, for, the earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it”.

These verses quite clearly tell us that we are free to eat the meat that the pagans have sacrificed, however, a letter to the Gentiles seems to contradict this, telling them “to abstain from food polluted by idols” (Acts 15:19-21). The reason for this letter was to keep the peace with the Jewish Christians who, all their lives, had been under the law of Moses as v.21 tells us: “For Moses has been preached in every city from the earliest times and is read in the synagogues on every Sabbath”. The Jews had always followed the law of Moses, eating the meat which they had sacrificed on the Temple altar in worship to God. For this reason, they thought that if they ate the meat that the pagans had sacrificed to idols then they would be participating in the worship of pagan gods but Paul said that meat and idols are nothing (1 Cor. 10:18-19).

Eating meat that had been sacrificed to idols by other people is no problem. The person who eats this meat is simply having a meal but the pagan who personally offers up this sacrifice is worshipping demons (1 Cor. 10:20-21) just as the Jew who personally sacrificed on the Temple altar was worshipping God.

The apparent contradiction is further cleared up by 1 Cor. 8:4-13 and 1 Cor. 10:27-33 which tell us that we should not eat sacrificed meat if it upsets the conscience of a weak brother. 1 Cor. 8 says that stronger Christians, having the knowledge that idols are nothing, knew they had the freedom to eat this meat (vs.4-9). However, if a weak brother without this knowledge saw a stronger brother eating it then he may be led to think that he is taking part in sacrificing to idols and be encouraged towards idolatry; his conscience would become defiled (v.7) and he would be destroyed (v.11). For this reason, this meat should not be eaten in front of weaker believers as it can cause them to fall. Even though the meat is nothing but food to stronger believers, it may a stumbling block to the weak so we should avoid eating it in their presence (vs.9-13). So, the instruction not to eat meat sacrificed to idols, in (Acts 15:19-21, is for the sake of weaker Christians and does not contradict the verses which tell us that we have freedom to eat it (1 Cor. 8:4-9 and 1 Cor. 10:27-30).

So, regarding Christmas and Easter, it can be seen that what the pagans have done in the past, or are doing today, should not influence us and we should not fear these celebrations any more than we fear eating meat that others have sacrificed to idols. Celebrating Jesus’ birth and death by having a Christmas tree or an Easter egg is not participating with demons despite anything the pagans may have done throughout history. Christmas trees, like idols, are dead things; they are nothing.

Regarding Isa. 44:12-20 and Jer. 10:3-5, these verses have nothing to do with worshipping under trees; they merely talk about idols made from the wood of trees and men bowing down to blocks of wood. The issue is not about trees but about worshipping idols which happen to be made from trees.

From these passages, two things are clear –
(1) We have the freedom to choose in these matters and
(2) We should not allow our choices to cause a believer to stumble.

Rom. 14 tells us that nothing, including a Christmas tree, is unclean in itself but if someone regards something as unclean then it is unclean to him so he should avoid it. Also, this chapter tells us not to judge one another regarding eating, drinking or sacred days and rather than judge in these matters we should seek to be loving and peaceful. So, instead of being divisive over these disputable matters, v.22 says, “whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God”.

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The video of “Christians And Christmas” can be seen on YouTube at-

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Mick Alexander
[email protected]

Jan 252016
bible key

I remember a story about a depressed fellow that wanted to get into the waters of the Pool of Bethesda because he read about its healing powers and he wanted to have his sadness taken away.  He finally decided to visit but just before he got close enough to even view the pool an angel blocked his path and told him that it was not his time to be healed of his sadness.  The angel said to the man that God wishes to bring glory and healing through your sad nature.  I do not remember more of the story but sadness and/or depression can make one see things in a different light. There are advantages worth thinking on–

The depressed soul can help others in ways that the non-depressed can not because he or she, being sad, can empathize with the sadness of others.  They are more in tune to what anguish others are going through and therefore can give superior counsel or encouragement, which probably will make another soul feel better, to the glory of God.

Off hand there are are two other things that deep feelings of loneliness and depression can help one perceive. The downcast soul can be more acquainted with the sufferings of Jesus when he was rejected and abandoned by his friends.  The messiah was in the world but the world knew him not (John 1:10..). Deep sadness will cause a person to love and understand the Lord more!  Deep sadness also makes one realize that this world is not our final home and we should long for paradise.

pastor Zomok

Jan 242016
bible key

Just as Michelangelo used his various chiseling tools to form his statue of David from a marble rock, God uses circumstances, some painful, to form us into a more Christ like image. It is sometimes said that Michelangelo used a stone that others rejected and thought of as unworkable but a good artist and a good God can bring much good out of what seems to be meager.  Of course God is omnipotent and omnipresent and can act both directly and indirectly (through natural laws) in what seems to be a seamless manner. The ways and means seem painful but the end product is good.

God says, in Romans 8:29, we are, “predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son.” 

As we move through the tapestry of life we experience many trying events that make us think and examine ourselves, while God is behind it all.  The highest God can bring much good out of bad, indeed, we see this in many lives including the prophets, like Jeremiah, and apostles like Shaul of Tarsus.  We must ponder…

Pastor Zomok

Dec 292015


This is also known as animism or the universal religion of Africa. In fact also quite common factors within  many other religions, such as catholicism,  buddhism and many others including ancient civilisations.  Very prevalent amongst Africans, and a core with the witchcraft doctors, also called sangomas. The interesting thing is the evil similarities that are masked into the religions.

The foundation belief is to be able to communicate with the dead, whether in the same families or outside of, and is a fear based religious aspect to be able to communicate with ‘god’, many assuming it to be God, the creator and knowingly (or -unknowingly believing), it is actually a direct form of satanic worship and communication with demons from the devil.  The more I see of this religion the more I hate it. It breeds hate, suspicion and fear. There is nothing ennobling about it. The worshipers are truly slaves.

The Bible is uncompromising in its condemnation of ancestor worship and all the ceremonies that go with it. I have been surprised to see how often this false religion is condemned in the Bible. Some passages which we have typed out and duplicated for use in teaching on this subject are: Deuteronomy 20:2-6; Matthew 4:10; Acts 10:25-26; Revelation 22:8-9; Leviticus 19:31; 20:6; 20:27; Deuteronomy 18:9-15; and Isaiah 8:19-20. There are many other passages which show that the dead have nothing to do with the living.

Second, nowhere in the Bible are we told that the dead act as intermediaries between God and man. But we are told that Jesus Christ was given that role. He was born, lived a sinless life, was crucified for our sins, buried in a grave, resurrected by God, seen by a multitude of witnesses, ascended into heaven, and sits now at the right hand of the Father where He intercedes on the behalf of those who have placed their faith and trust in Him (Acts 26:23; Romans 1:2-5; Hebrews 4:15; 1 Peter 1:3-4). There is only one Mediator between God and man, and that is God’s Son, Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2:5-6; Hebrews 8:6, 9:15, 12:24). Only Christ can fill that role.

The Bible tells us in Exodus 20:3-6 that we are not to worship any god other than the Lord God. Furthermore, since diviners and sorcerers were thought to be able to contact the dead, they were also expressly forbidden by God (Exodus 22:18; Leviticus 19:32, 20:6, 27; Deuteronomy 18:10-11; 1 Samuel 28:3; Jeremiah 27:9-10).

Know this is the truth from GODs word, the holy bible. GOD teaches if you die unsaved you are dead forever, if you die saved by Jesus Christ then you are asleep until the resurrection on judgement day. If you or anyone ‘speaks’ to the dead (ancestors) you or anyone speaks to demons from the devil, it is pure EVIL.

 Satan has always sought to supplant God, and he uses lies about worshipping other gods and even ancestors to try to lead people away from the truth of God’s existence. Ancestor worship is wrong because it goes against God’s specific warnings about such worship, and it seeks to replace Jesus Christ as the Divine Mediator between God and mankind.

 GOD tells in simplest terms ‘You cannot serve God and the devil (manmmon)‘ 

Luk_16:13  No servant is able to serve two lords; for either he will hate the one, and he will love the other; or he will cling to one, and he will despise the other. You are unable to serve God and mammon.

It is truly do you serve the only living GOD or do you follow traditions of men,  led by satan… it is a choice of life or death ….   and trusting the lie that as African christian you can follow both is against GOD, you choose wisely NOW.

Understand carefully that ALL religions are made by man for men, for power, for control and wealth… and ruled by the devil also called satan

Dec 272015

This is a very important one, to understand how far we have fallen in our deceptions….

Churches for most are wealthy and should be regarded the way Jesus regarded the moneychangers in the temple….

Tithing..but its in the bible……Yes it is. Then study what the bible says, it is specific way of offering from your work to the temple for a specific period of time for a specific purpose of God.

Does it continue in the new testament churches, a huge NO.

Who started this,?  The catholic church needed more money for funding their killing sprees ‘crusades’ and payments to kings. People were obligated to pay for their salvation to the pope (church) as being obedient and ‘faithful’. Many widows were also harassed until they signed their wills for the church. This said many kings seeking favour of the one pope who appointed himself to be god, gave many properties for the church. Many thousands heretics and unfavoured folks where tortured and ‘confessed’ and had their possessions taken away..   this continues in a civil manner even today to feed the lusts, the greed’s and the ‘work of the gospel of churches’…….

When you tithe you do give it to the pastor for he controls and uses the money. The days are long gone when churches used to be transparent and declare and show financial statements. In fact a;; churches since 105 3 c are now regarded as corporations and subject to its laws and control, (a new world order agenda) over 75 000 churches in the usa have betrayed theor members by secretly handing over members details to homeland security and there seems to be factual evidence that many received money from fema for it. One day they will know who follows the bible faithfully and you are marked…..

Moneychangers…..you are silly. AM I?    Churches and evangelists, its leaders make money and for most very much of it. I remember Jesus saying,

And again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to pass through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God

but then who is listening, pastors, priests, evangelists and those who sell cd’s, dvd’s, books, magazines, musicians, gospel singers, films, christian  entertainment businesses and more. Collection in churches for missions, for ‘the poor, plays, pagan christmas and easter  celebrations……  wherever you look money money money…..    the they go to the old testament specific for the levitic priesthood (take note here) and quote a verse or 2 and then even pray over it.  For many they follow what other churches do, some in faith and adherence to contribute for their ‘works’ and sometimes the ‘mother’ church.

Jesus Christ came, lived as man and died and rose again on the third day.

Who replaces the priesthood? JESUS CHRIST. Good so far. Lets look at the early assemblies of the disciples and here is the key to tithing.   They formed not churches, men did. They assembled and preached the ONE gospel of Jesus Christ to the assembly. For even God then spoke about an orderly assembly with elders and the conduct of women at the assemblies. God also spoke of the tares (followers) that satan placed in the assemblies to frustrate the gospel.

The key? There is not a single verse that teaches ‘tithing’ in the new testament assemblies, NOT one! A yes, Paul was a tentmaker, so he worked with his hands to support his many travels, parchments and ink. Mostly likely he received food from other believers in their homes. The other disciples where looked after similarly.

Now it get interesting. Paul wrote specifically as we read in: 1Co 16:2

  On one of the sabbaths, let each of you put by himself, storing up whatever he is prospered, that there not be collections then when I come.

What was collected ? Clothing, food and blankets for taking with to the poorer churches

There are many verses for example the 70 that Jesus sent on a mission fieldtrip, they where commanded not to take money.  

Ok, back to 21st century. The argument lies that buildings and pastors need money.

Let the elders apportion for the costs and a humble salary for the leader if it must be so.

Now to the person who tithes, what are you sowing you money into? Tithing is unbiblical. Churches should rely then on donations as ‘gifts’ from its members strictly transparent and accounted for.

Now comes the final line… is your church actually doing Gods work in teaching biblical (entirely perfectly biblical truth) or are they stumbling in the dark preaching darkness with the many other gospels that they preach….. and that is where you sow your money.

We all love the fellowship on sundays, but that’s not where it ends……we start with the so called ‘worship singing’ and the tithing and the sermon and go back home to watch football or send the kids to the friends.

Anyone poor and destitute asks me for food or clothes, I use my money to feed them or clothe them. …….

Dec 202015

The question really becomes What is the truth about these festive days celebrated by christians and non-Christians the world over, and does God want us to keep them? Are we warned about these religious traditions of men in scripture? Answer is absolutely, Yes. Do these days have anything to do with God? Answer is absolutely, No. Why? The answer will likely astound and shock you. Lets focus for now on Christmas….  the pagan worship day.

Foremost there exist not a single verse in the entire bible, Gods Holy word which teaches nor instructs us to keep this day holy, nor celebrate it, in fact we are warned not to keep it.

We can study and research historical facts. When the christians grew in numbers in the roman empire, they became a very large and influential part of the society at that time.   It is a fact that Constantine the ruler of the roman empire made a political decision to appease the christians and pagans people by combining their worship days around 312ad to embed his powerful position in the empire. It is also fact that originally the 25 December was a pagan holy day…which had been the day of pagan sun worship (son of baal), and how the influence of the pagan Manichaeism. Many Christians in Mesopotamia protested against this idol worship day but to no avail.

It appears that Christians did not observe this day until satans church of old, the catholic church in the 4th century AD made it a day to be officially observed by decree. Satan got to work. To embed the doctrine to worship mary in place of Jesus, the birth of Jesus became a ‘holy’ day, by the wicked decree of the ‘mass of christ’ which outwardly is the ‘celebration of his birth’ and inwardly in truth was the celebration that Jesus was crucified… pure wickedness and evil in design. This came enhanced by the ‘saint Nicolaus’, the santa claus, the elves, the mistletoe and the bearing of gifts. This has become now the largest ‘christian’ festival commercially the world over till today…

Now according to scripture Jesus Christ was born either 3 or 4 BC in the first week of October. That not being enough what about the traditional presents. King Herod, a wicked king sought to kill the baby Jesus he heard would be born and sent his 3 wisest men with customary gifts to seek the baby child and have it reported back to him. We know Gods holy spirit intervened and after the 3 men encountered the baby child went on their journey and returned not to the king. So much more proving the farce of this ‘christian worship day’.

There is a tragic  ‘cherry’ on top in its evil design, it gets people (as created by the evil catholic church) to brake one of the commandments of GOD. Consider a young christian newly married couple telling their child (ren) about Christmas. When these children reach a certain age they learn their parents have lied to them! Whilst going to profess their beliefs, their Christianity, their importance of their faith …. the children learn their parents are hypocritical liars and cause much pain and confusion on the entire christian belief; us putting aside it is a purely religious tradition and has nothing to do with the GOD Yashua of the bible.

Each time you say ‘merry Christmas’ you celebrate the killing of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ…

As a believer and professing to follow Jesus Christ, I sincerely hope anyone reconsiders these verses very carefully, in case you reject all I state above:

GOD says here in Mar_7:8  For forsaking the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men: immersings of utensils and cups, and many other such like things you do.
Col_2:8  Watch that there not be one robbing you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ.   

Now understand very carefully if the Lord wanted us to celebrate his birth it would not have been hidden from the believers!
Let us thus now know what did Jesus Christ who is GOD actually teaches us do to in such remembrance of Him, there is a verse in holy scripture which says the following from the mouth of GOD where we read in 1Co_11:24  and giving thanks, He broke and said, Take, eat; this is My body which is broken on behalf of you; this do in remembrance of Me.

This is what GOD tells us even 3 times! so we don’t get it wrong…. What are you doing with your will of worship…. follow the world or follow Jesus Christ? YOU choose wisely my beloved.

Amen and Shalom.



The pagan traditional day was ‘the day of the sun’ as celebration of the death and return of the sun, and was suggested to become to make Christian theology more acceptable to Pagans and the date of the first sunday of the spring equinox. This became the dates set to appear to the christian people to be the day the Lord was resurrected.

Most reliable appears to be originally the celebration of Ostara the fertility goddess of those days. So what is the origin of pagan easter? About an ancient god tamuz, (a story about never-ending cycle of  life without direction and purpose) and this god died every year beginning of winter and was resurrected by the goddess ishtar in spring. Note ishtar and easter?

What will astound even more is that this worship day is nowhere to be found in scripture.

Why do you observe such things?

Ponder on this verses, which say:

Joh 4:24  God is a spirit, and the ones worshiping Him must worship in spirit and truth and Jesus says further here Mat_15:9  But in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.” Isa. 29:13
Mar_7:7  and in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” Isa. 29:13

and finally Jesus says here in conclusion

Mat 7:22  Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many works of power?
Mat 7:23  And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; “depart from Me, those working lawlessness!” Psa. 6:8

With much love and care and hope, may the truth set you free…Amen

Dec 042015
bible key

Creation and Evolution
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen. 1:1).

Despite the clear evidence against Evolution, it dominates the classroom and society and has had a devastating effect on belief in the Bible. For many, faith in Evolution replaces the need for faith in God and this suits their itching ears as they feel free to make their own rules. Because there is no God, so they believe, they are not accountable to anyone so they can choose their own right and wrong. The following are just a few examples that debunk Evolution.

Dinosaurs are considered to be a ‘big proof’ for Evolution but in fact they confirm the truth of the Bible. The name ‘dinosaur’ was only invented in 1842 by Richard Owen. A few thousand years before that time, the Bible talks about a Behemoth which had a tail like a cedar tree (Job 40:15-18) so we can see that giant animals, now called dinosaurs, existed alongside man a few thousand years ago and did not become extinct 65 million years ago as Evolutionists claim. Further evidence of this comes from recent finds of dinosaur bones which contained soft tissue, red blood cells and even bits of DNA. Because these bones had not completely dried out, this is strong evidence that dinosaurs died out just a short while back, not 65 million years ago.

Carbon-14 dating cannot prove ‘millions of years’ as it can only date to about 50,000 years. If anything does contain traces of Carbon-14 then that is good evidence that it is not millions of years old but in fact less than 50,000 years. Coal, supposedly millions of years old, contains Carbon-14 as do diamonds which are supposed to be 1-3 billion years old so this is obvious proof against millions of years. In fact, diamonds can be manufactured in the laboratory in the time it takes to wash a car.

Evolutionists use Radiometric-dating to date the age of rock layers and consider it to be one of the best proofs for millions of years. However, this method has been shown to be wildly inaccurate. Mount Saint Helens, in the US, erupted in the 1980s and a sample of the newly formed rock was supplied for Radiometric-dating. The results ranged from 340,000 to 2.8 million years while the rock sample was in fact only about 10 years old.

Further clear proof that rock layers are not millions of years old is shown by the fact that fossil tree trunks, up to 15 metres tall, have been found standing upright in rock layers. If the rock layers had taken thousands, let alone millions, of years to form around those trees then they would have rotted away long before they could be buried in the rock layers.

A mystery to Evolutionists is why marine fossils are found on mountain tops, even on Mt. Everest the world’s highest mountain. But what is a mystery to Evolutionists is answered simply by the Bible: marine fossils were deposited all over the earth during Noah’s flood – it’s no mystery at all.

These examples are only a few of the arguments which disprove Evolution. The information in this article comes from sites such as Answers In Genesis and Creation Ministries International. There are thousands of articles on these sites which have in-depth arguments against Evolutionary claims so, if you want to look deeper into the subject, sites such as these will provide you with a lot of information written by Christian scientists.

Finally, there are only two possibilities for our existence:

  • Evolution, which tells us that in the beginning there was nothing and it exploded and created everything or
  • Creation, which tells us that in the beginning God was there and He created everything.

Given that it’s simply not possible for nothing to explode, we must conclude that God created the world and all that is in it. From a logical standpoint, believing in the existence of an eternal God is a far more reasonable conclusion than believing that nothing exploded and created everything.

The link to Answers In Genesis is –

The link to Creation Ministries International is –

This article can be downloaded as a PDF or an MP3 from –

Video of Creation and Evolution

Christian Issues’ blog can be subscribed to at –

Mick Alexander
[email protected]

Dec 012015
bible key

Gods word is perfectly clear and true.

Firstly understand unless one is  saved by Jesus Christ who is God you are unable to understand scripture. That said, the world is filled with deception and lies from self ordained church leaders, tele- evangelisrts, pastors, scholars and theologians who trust their own understandings or those doctrines of other men and religious institutions.

Every word in scripture in the original tongue is from the mouth of GOD. It is perfect, it is holy and it is TRUE.

When some or many do not understand and wish to enforce their own conclusions and find as many as possible to agree with them. few actually ask questions or when something is taught from anyone… then go and test this against scripture, keeping in mind that God teaches us to ‘compare scripture with scripture’. The holy word is perfect, it is its own commentary and it is good for teaching, correction and Proof.

The disciples taught ONE gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ, and that we should adhere to today, if you be fortunate enough to hear it anywhere.

So indeed, even I become mocked again it does not matter, what does matter how other members may become confused from certain discussions… it is when we suddenly take Gods word , then add our own conclusions such as predestination vs free will, the two are never spoken of together in the entire bible !! and rightly so as we can see. Now.

I had explained in detail that when God says, that He, Jesus Christ as creator says here in:

Rom_8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Rom_8:30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.

AND we read here in

1Pe_1:20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you, and  in

1Pe 1:2 Elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, through sanctification of the Spirit, unto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Jesus Christ: Grace unto you, and peace, be multiplied.

There are more verses that approve above and that Jesus Christ foreordained the few elected to become saved in all of time, before creation.

NOW, KNOW GOD is above time… scripture teaches he knows the end from the beginning; that said it has nothing to do with removing ‘free will’ of man. Why doubt GOD?, does he not know every hair on your head?, did He not die for the sins of the ones He saves? Is it not clear that all men sin and scripture teaches that

Rom_6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.     unless He saves us we would all surely die, that is the gospel of grace and perfect love.

The argument that predestination takes away free will is accounts perfectly describe even completely unrelated, which many accounts in the entire bible are scattered and the consequences of those choices taught.

My brethren, hope  this clears my humble and brief attempt to teach above, I will gladly expound if asked and peace be upon you.

Gal 1:15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace,   Amen

Nov 262015
bible key

I have covered many aspects of the faulty doctrine of an eternal burning hell, logically pointing out that the penalty for sin is death (Romans 6:23) and how Yeshua came and suffered that very penalty.  I have also logically argued that in the end of time God will have a perfect creation without sin, which could not be so if he were to sustain an eternal penal colony of lost souls roasting in a “hell”.  Such lost souls would be sustained sinners and not reconciled by any sane definition! I need not rehash here every aspect of the faulty doctrine of an eternal burning hell!!!

Last night I prayed for something new to point out and shortly thereafter noticed a new point.  It stood out with new luster.  I started to study about the fact that God is “longsuffering” in Numbers 14:18.  In the Hebrew this is “long-faced” [Strong’s H750 and H639].  The Hebrew is concrete in this case pointing at the sad long face of a suffering personality.  I also wanted to see how the Septuagint translated this and found the Greek word, “makrothumia”, which means “long-endurance” of pain and being patient with others.. [see Strong’s G3115].  The Hebrew and Greek work well together in touching all bases on what God experiences.  He suffers with his creation!

There has been a debate on just how much God experiences pain.  Under Greek philosophical influence the early church often held that God does not suffer and is basically above it all.  The term “impassable” has often been used to describe God in this regard.  God is supposedly “not emotional” or does not feel pain. Many theologians will label any verse that describes face, eyes, hands, and suffering of God “Anthropomorphisms” and “Anthropopathisms” (emotions).  In other words, God is described with human features (physical and mental) to help us understand certain points about the divine.  I am persuaded when God is described with hands and face, for God is spirit, but not persuaded about God not having certain mental and emotional attributes.  If God is without emotions than God would be less understanding and could not see things fully. God is “passable” not “impassable”.  He truly loves the created world and all his creatures!!!

To wrap this up, because God is both omnipresent and omniscient (all knowing) he is both above his creation and within it.  God is within everything, every single atom and particle.  God sees out our very eyes and is in our very nerves.  In him we move and have our being. God suffers what we suffer.  God knows each of us better than we know ourselves, something required for a perfect and devine judge. NOW if God were to sustain unredeemed sinners in and endless fiery hell God would suffer with them because he would be sustaining them.  Remember anything completely separated from God has no existence.  God will have a perfect creation in the end where all is completed and reconciled, which cannot be so if God as well as most people suffer in hell forever. God would suffer with them and to some extent the redeemed would also knowing that their loved ones did not earn salvation..

It is time to put the unbiblical and illogical Traditional view of Hell in the catagory of fables where it truly belongs.

Pastor S. Zomok   (note: The above post is found on several other sites and has several thousand views.  I hope to get the popularity of this site up…)