The so called new testament tithing is part of the ‘prosperity gospel’; be not deceived brethren and sisters. Most churches run nowadays just like any other business, it is easy money, to deceive the gullible and fleece the poor; this comes by churches preaching ‘tithing’ which is wickedness.
Tithing was ordained by GOD for the levites who where chosen as priests, if any priest did a speck of work, he would die instantly on the spot, so it was ordained, The temple is no longer, it became as ended when the Lord was crucified.
During the church age fromAD33 until it ended 40 years ago, God esatblished in some verses where the disciples speak on monies collected and the responsibilities by the church elders. In the past long gone, the churches used to account for their money and how it was spent, to the very cent, The pastors had no control, just oversight, nowadays it is their money. It has nothing to do with GOD.
GOD has brought judgement on the churches, all churches.
Those days are long gone, not only is the Gospel of Jesus Christ no longer taught in churches, and satan has taken rulership, the pastors as church leaders seek power,fame and money.
Those who tithe in churches, in reality, they FEED the beast power, GOD does NOT allow ignorance, which He winked at in the past. GOD is no longer in the churches, in fact he commands the believers ‘come out of her’ and ‘run into the mountains; but over 2 billion people obey not the Word of God.
This is serious, you see the abuse in all teh churches, their leaders and their preaching against the Holy Word of God, in disobedience and lead many with their deception to HELL. God even foretells that none of them will repent of what they do, and that they are ‘accursed’ by HIM.
I teach this not lightly, nor cerefully, TRUTH is truth, it can never be a lie. Those who know me, know I minister biblical truth, I will never compromise nor sugarcoat the true Gospel, this is what I AM called to do, not for me but to the many deceived, who I love just as GOd does, and for that I give His Word in truth.
Many may disgree, even refuse to TEST every word I declare against scripture, and some do come hating me and the words I speak in Christ.
These things are about death or LIFE, many can choose to repent, turn to Jesus Christ for mercy and salvation, GOD will look into each one’s hearts, and be not like LOT’s wife who looked back in disobedience and became a pillar of salt.
You and I, we ALL have choices, one is the world, the other is GOD.
Those who choose GOD may find salvation by mercy and grace of Jesus Christ who is GOD, and Him alone, for His glory.
What will you choose……..Shalom.
Minister Karl Jung God Save Me Foundation
(IF for any reason there is still a small ‘church’, more like a ‘bible study group; or small assembly, in that biblical sense, and they receive donations just for the upkeep, then that ‘MAY’ still be fine, provided they stand on the Word of God, to the letter, you will have to judge that for yourselves, if that is so. This is what may be permitted, because God still encourages fellowship, but it is not defined biblically, for His good reasons