steve zomok

Profile photo of steve zomok

a credentialed minister and on many websites~~~

Sep 092015
bible key

The Children of Israel were very restless as they moved slowly through the desert and a good share of them were simply  impatient, when they reached Zin a crisis had been reached as many with their cattle were collapsing from lack of water.  In Numbers chapter 20, we read of the wonderful story of the Waters of Meribah.  The Lord instructed Moses to command a rock cliff to bring forth water and Moses did as he was told.  The text  (v.11) says that Moses struck the cliff and water started to spring forth.  The congregation of folks with their animals consumed much water.  From the story line I am not sure if the Lord told Moses to use his skills as a desert dweller to search out water or to strike an exact spot but the Lord was behind it all (Psalm 78:16).

This reminds me of a few things and lessons can be learned.  Just as God arranged it that water would flow from that hard rock the Lord can also arranged it so good things can come when one is in a hard situation, seemingly, caught between a rock and a hard place.  God will come to the rescue.  We see more here too.   Jesus is the Rock of Salvation, and the Chief Corner Stone!!!  Out of Jesus comes life giving waters, as he told the Samaritan women, at the well.

pastor Zomok


Sep 042015
bible key

both simple and beautiful.

Image result for nearly wild rose

We all have different tastes or likes and I am no exception.  I find myself more attracted to the simple wild rose with its 5 petals instead of the hybrid roses with layers and layers of petals.  The simple wild rose is less messy and cluttered.  This is not a put down to elaborations.  It has its place but cluttering is not good. Truth is like a simple wild rose bloom.  It is beautiful and without complications.

If a person denies truth and is sinful they complicate their life with a patchwork of pains and problems.  It is easier to follow the rules that God has written in stone (Exodus 20).  Life is easier if one follows simple truths.  Speaking of the 10 Commandments, Yeshua summed them up in two cardinal rules.  These are found in Matthew 22 and simply stated are: LOVE GOD, and LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. …..Selah….

pastor Zomok (one of my oil Paintings below)
