Mar 202016

I do hope there a some amongst you who have watched this movie…… if not a rare worthwhile watch.

Briefly the movie is about: In Pittsburgh, accomplished pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu uncovers the truth about brain damage in football players who suffer repeated concussions in the course of normal play.
His deep faith in God motivates his conviction to stand for truth, which sets him against the world, its power, its manipulations and wicked men who will go to all lengths to discourage and discredit him… one man against the world.

This sure is food for thought and motivated me to write this post, as I found myself moved…….

When you become a true believer, you are on God’s side…and world will hate you for His name.

Hear ye me: When you become a follower of a religion, which is a division of beliefs according to groups of people even nations and organised to remain from generations to generations. In Christianity broadly in particular the divisions become further about denominations, also church doctrines, church creeds and families.
If, and when at any time in this ‘journey of many differing beliefs’ God saves you, something remarkable happens….. you become centred on God and his Word, the holy bible…. and then you realise that most things you have ‘heard’ and are spoken of in the world are against the word of God and suddenly find yourself in a situation of choice… very much like the disciples Jesus had chosen…. against the world, which follows and worships its father satan, also called the devil……

We need to realise in truth that satan created religions to divide mankind of the world, which he has done very successfully. Knowing Jesus had come and created His followers of the word, Satan started using first the jews, then the gentiles to go against God. Satan set what God calls ‘tares’ amongst the wheat, the lookalike followers of Jesus to cause deceit and confusion. This led to Paul writing almost 2/3rds of the new testament. Thereafter satan created his church the catholic church to direct the religious belief and in the dark ages that followed the church many millions where killed to enforce this religion. In todays days it re-emerged into the fore as the muslim religion attempts to enforce itself and many many are being killed some likely as you read this. The 2 are actually not much different in their essences, This not being sufficient, satan is (as allowed by God) establishing himself as the ruler of christianity today, coming in the likeness Jesus with all the devices in his wicked disposal, and with much success as all churches are falling one by one and the ‘abomination of desolation’ Daniel spoke of is now all around us ……. all perfectly foretold in Gods word, the bible.

What becomes very clear to me and others like me, when you become a true believer and follow Jesus and trust his word as authority, there will come many many many especially from the most unexpected direction, the christians themselves, and their words become the vilest and condemning and largely the most unbelieving of truth……….astounding but true,.

God loving words are for those few in the world as we read here in Joh 15:18  If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it has hated you.

Jos_1:9  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for Jehovah your God is with you in all places where you go

I can surely attest to this over the many past years and God willing, then will many more harsher to come…  I stand for God and His word in truth, and the world is set against it, so be it, ….…I will embrace my suffering with joy and thanksgiving, Amen.

With much love and patience and may some hear and see. Minister Karl

Dec 272015

This is a very important one, to understand how far we have fallen in our deceptions….

Churches for most are wealthy and should be regarded the way Jesus regarded the moneychangers in the temple….

Tithing..but its in the bible……Yes it is. Then study what the bible says, it is specific way of offering from your work to the temple for a specific period of time for a specific purpose of God.

Does it continue in the new testament churches, a huge NO.

Who started this,?  The catholic church needed more money for funding their killing sprees ‘crusades’ and payments to kings. People were obligated to pay for their salvation to the pope (church) as being obedient and ‘faithful’. Many widows were also harassed until they signed their wills for the church. This said many kings seeking favour of the one pope who appointed himself to be god, gave many properties for the church. Many thousands heretics and unfavoured folks where tortured and ‘confessed’ and had their possessions taken away..   this continues in a civil manner even today to feed the lusts, the greed’s and the ‘work of the gospel of churches’…….

When you tithe you do give it to the pastor for he controls and uses the money. The days are long gone when churches used to be transparent and declare and show financial statements. In fact a;; churches since 105 3 c are now regarded as corporations and subject to its laws and control, (a new world order agenda) over 75 000 churches in the usa have betrayed theor members by secretly handing over members details to homeland security and there seems to be factual evidence that many received money from fema for it. One day they will know who follows the bible faithfully and you are marked…..

Moneychangers… are silly. AM I?    Churches and evangelists, its leaders make money and for most very much of it. I remember Jesus saying,

And again I say to you, It is easier for a camel to pass through a needle’s eye, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God

but then who is listening, pastors, priests, evangelists and those who sell cd’s, dvd’s, books, magazines, musicians, gospel singers, films, christian  entertainment businesses and more. Collection in churches for missions, for ‘the poor, plays, pagan christmas and easter  celebrations……  wherever you look money money money…..    the they go to the old testament specific for the levitic priesthood (take note here) and quote a verse or 2 and then even pray over it.  For many they follow what other churches do, some in faith and adherence to contribute for their ‘works’ and sometimes the ‘mother’ church.

Jesus Christ came, lived as man and died and rose again on the third day.

Who replaces the priesthood? JESUS CHRIST. Good so far. Lets look at the early assemblies of the disciples and here is the key to tithing.   They formed not churches, men did. They assembled and preached the ONE gospel of Jesus Christ to the assembly. For even God then spoke about an orderly assembly with elders and the conduct of women at the assemblies. God also spoke of the tares (followers) that satan placed in the assemblies to frustrate the gospel.

The key? There is not a single verse that teaches ‘tithing’ in the new testament assemblies, NOT one! A yes, Paul was a tentmaker, so he worked with his hands to support his many travels, parchments and ink. Mostly likely he received food from other believers in their homes. The other disciples where looked after similarly.

Now it get interesting. Paul wrote specifically as we read in: 1Co 16:2

  On one of the sabbaths, let each of you put by himself, storing up whatever he is prospered, that there not be collections then when I come.

What was collected ? Clothing, food and blankets for taking with to the poorer churches

There are many verses for example the 70 that Jesus sent on a mission fieldtrip, they where commanded not to take money.  

Ok, back to 21st century. The argument lies that buildings and pastors need money.

Let the elders apportion for the costs and a humble salary for the leader if it must be so.

Now to the person who tithes, what are you sowing you money into? Tithing is unbiblical. Churches should rely then on donations as ‘gifts’ from its members strictly transparent and accounted for.

Now comes the final line… is your church actually doing Gods work in teaching biblical (entirely perfectly biblical truth) or are they stumbling in the dark preaching darkness with the many other gospels that they preach….. and that is where you sow your money.

We all love the fellowship on sundays, but that’s not where it ends……we start with the so called ‘worship singing’ and the tithing and the sermon and go back home to watch football or send the kids to the friends.

Anyone poor and destitute asks me for food or clothes, I use my money to feed them or clothe them. …….

Dec 202015

The question really becomes What is the truth about these festive days celebrated by christians and non-Christians the world over, and does God want us to keep them? Are we warned about these religious traditions of men in scripture? Answer is absolutely, Yes. Do these days have anything to do with God? Answer is absolutely, No. Why? The answer will likely astound and shock you. Lets focus for now on Christmas….  the pagan worship day.

Foremost there exist not a single verse in the entire bible, Gods Holy word which teaches nor instructs us to keep this day holy, nor celebrate it, in fact we are warned not to keep it.

We can study and research historical facts. When the christians grew in numbers in the roman empire, they became a very large and influential part of the society at that time.   It is a fact that Constantine the ruler of the roman empire made a political decision to appease the christians and pagans people by combining their worship days around 312ad to embed his powerful position in the empire. It is also fact that originally the 25 December was a pagan holy day…which had been the day of pagan sun worship (son of baal), and how the influence of the pagan Manichaeism. Many Christians in Mesopotamia protested against this idol worship day but to no avail.

It appears that Christians did not observe this day until satans church of old, the catholic church in the 4th century AD made it a day to be officially observed by decree. Satan got to work. To embed the doctrine to worship mary in place of Jesus, the birth of Jesus became a ‘holy’ day, by the wicked decree of the ‘mass of christ’ which outwardly is the ‘celebration of his birth’ and inwardly in truth was the celebration that Jesus was crucified… pure wickedness and evil in design. This came enhanced by the ‘saint Nicolaus’, the santa claus, the elves, the mistletoe and the bearing of gifts. This has become now the largest ‘christian’ festival commercially the world over till today…

Now according to scripture Jesus Christ was born either 3 or 4 BC in the first week of October. That not being enough what about the traditional presents. King Herod, a wicked king sought to kill the baby Jesus he heard would be born and sent his 3 wisest men with customary gifts to seek the baby child and have it reported back to him. We know Gods holy spirit intervened and after the 3 men encountered the baby child went on their journey and returned not to the king. So much more proving the farce of this ‘christian worship day’.

There is a tragic  ‘cherry’ on top in its evil design, it gets people (as created by the evil catholic church) to brake one of the commandments of GOD. Consider a young christian newly married couple telling their child (ren) about Christmas. When these children reach a certain age they learn their parents have lied to them! Whilst going to profess their beliefs, their Christianity, their importance of their faith …. the children learn their parents are hypocritical liars and cause much pain and confusion on the entire christian belief; us putting aside it is a purely religious tradition and has nothing to do with the GOD Yashua of the bible.

Each time you say ‘merry Christmas’ you celebrate the killing of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ…

As a believer and professing to follow Jesus Christ, I sincerely hope anyone reconsiders these verses very carefully, in case you reject all I state above:

GOD says here in Mar_7:8  For forsaking the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men: immersings of utensils and cups, and many other such like things you do.
Col_2:8  Watch that there not be one robbing you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the elements of the world, and not according to Christ.   

Now understand very carefully if the Lord wanted us to celebrate his birth it would not have been hidden from the believers!
Let us thus now know what did Jesus Christ who is GOD actually teaches us do to in such remembrance of Him, there is a verse in holy scripture which says the following from the mouth of GOD where we read in 1Co_11:24  and giving thanks, He broke and said, Take, eat; this is My body which is broken on behalf of you; this do in remembrance of Me.

This is what GOD tells us even 3 times! so we don’t get it wrong…. What are you doing with your will of worship…. follow the world or follow Jesus Christ? YOU choose wisely my beloved.

Amen and Shalom.



The pagan traditional day was ‘the day of the sun’ as celebration of the death and return of the sun, and was suggested to become to make Christian theology more acceptable to Pagans and the date of the first sunday of the spring equinox. This became the dates set to appear to the christian people to be the day the Lord was resurrected.

Most reliable appears to be originally the celebration of Ostara the fertility goddess of those days. So what is the origin of pagan easter? About an ancient god tamuz, (a story about never-ending cycle of  life without direction and purpose) and this god died every year beginning of winter and was resurrected by the goddess ishtar in spring. Note ishtar and easter?

What will astound even more is that this worship day is nowhere to be found in scripture.

Why do you observe such things?

Ponder on this verses, which say:

Joh 4:24  God is a spirit, and the ones worshiping Him must worship in spirit and truth and Jesus says further here Mat_15:9  But in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.” Isa. 29:13
Mar_7:7  and in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.” Isa. 29:13

and finally Jesus says here in conclusion

Mat 7:22  Many will say to Me in that day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name do many works of power?
Mat 7:23  And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; “depart from Me, those working lawlessness!” Psa. 6:8

With much love and care and hope, may the truth set you free…Amen

Sep 172015
bible key

Is this verse not a clear and direct command?

1Ti_2:12  But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

When I brought this up on another site, I was scathingly attacked and eventually the post was deleted, perhaps to unpopular and against world view. I am not here to please man, but God……

God has a established a natural and spiritual order, can we just go and do as we please even use his beloved name as a cover….   Will those that teach biblical truth against churches and the  Christian religion eventually be silenced  by the delete button….

This has nothing to do with world made rights of equality of women. Lets follow the bible as authority.

Christ is the high priest, Man the head of the house and family and the woman the caregiver subservient unto the husband…

Now it gets interesting if you study the Hebrew letters in this regard actually the woman completes the man in marriage to become the head of the house…. and part of the God family. and then the two become one spiritually…. assuming always all is done in Gods favour and will and love………

This has nothing to do with equality issues and agendas, nor be demeaning to women in general.

When it comes to a woman preaching or leading a church, that is against God’s word, the bible.

In heaven there is no male or female, we all just are ‘sons of God’ in perfect harmony and love.

Sep 042015
bible key

both simple and beautiful.

Image result for nearly wild rose

We all have different tastes or likes and I am no exception.  I find myself more attracted to the simple wild rose with its 5 petals instead of the hybrid roses with layers and layers of petals.  The simple wild rose is less messy and cluttered.  This is not a put down to elaborations.  It has its place but cluttering is not good. Truth is like a simple wild rose bloom.  It is beautiful and without complications.

If a person denies truth and is sinful they complicate their life with a patchwork of pains and problems.  It is easier to follow the rules that God has written in stone (Exodus 20).  Life is easier if one follows simple truths.  Speaking of the 10 Commandments, Yeshua summed them up in two cardinal rules.  These are found in Matthew 22 and simply stated are: LOVE GOD, and LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. …..Selah….

pastor Zomok (one of my oil Paintings below)


Aug 262015

In the Bible, God repeatedly describes the nature of the sin of the church. Much that is unbiblical goes on in congregations and denominations today. This is not apostasy in sects and cults, which obviously are under the power of Satan; rather, it is in evangelical, Bible -related churches. To our utter consternation,  these sins apply to a high degree to many of the most conservative contemporary churches and  denominations.

In the Bible, we can learn how God plans to eventually destroy the New Testament church as it
becomes increasingly sinful. It will be by satanic activity working through false gospels that look so much like the true Gospel that even the elect would be deceived, if that were possible…..   (for it is not as they have the holy spirit within them)

The Bible discloses that right near the end of time, Satan will become the dominant ruler within the congregations. In II Thessalonians 2, God speaks of the man of sin taking his seat in the temple. It will  be seen that the man of sin can be only Satan.

We read in Matthew 24:24: “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”
In Revelation   13:7, God informs us:  “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to  overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.”
Revelation 13 speaks of the beast that comes out of the earth. This can be only Satan and his dominion,  as he rules through false gospels. By this means, he is able to destroy the churches that are under the judgment of God. Thus, he is able to overcome the saints, the true believers, within the congregations.

Why does God write extensively in I Corinthians 12, 13, and 14 about the
phenomenon of tongues? One might be surprised to read in the Bible about this temporary phenomenon.
A few decades after this phenomenon occurred in the church in Corinth, the visions of the Book of Revelation were received by the Apostle John on the Island of Patmos.
The Book of Revelation closes with the warning that anyone who adds to its words will be subject to plagues; therefore, there can be no further revelation from God by visions, voices, tongues, or anything  else. Thus, the phenomenon of tongues that occurred in the church at Corinth would also have come to  an end. From that time to the present day, do not expect God to bring a message by these means or by any means other than what He has given us in the Bible.

An ever-increasing number of individuals and congregations all over the world fail this end -of-time program. The tongues movement, part of the “charismatic movement,” is sweeping through
like wildfire. The “charistmatic movement” was started by the wickedness of freemason billy graham and many followed his directives under satan. Virtually every denomination has churches that have welcomed it with open arms. One of these gospels in the supernatural occurrence of tongues, which is found in most churches today and many pastors and preachers use it and encourage it. The church has become increasingly  apostate.
Consequently, God is blinding people so that they believe this movement is of the Holy Spirit. They do  not realize that it is of Satan. By means of this phenomenon, Satan appears to be defeating the true  Gospel to a degree never before realized.
The  second  characteristic of the tongues movement is an interest in signs and wonders. There is a conviction that God is performing miracles today, as our Lord and the twelve apostles did signs and wonders. Miraculous healing is most commonly expected. The sign of people falling backward (being  “slain in the spirit” as some call it), is evidence of a supernatural event. While so-called miraculous  healing can be explained in earthly, physical terms, falling backwards appears to be unexplainable from  an earthly, physical vantage point.

We read in revelations that the bible is a sealed book, it is completed by God for us and we are warned not to add nor remove from it. Therefore there will be no more tongues after 100AD to ‘add to the bible’ there will be no more prophets nor messengers after 100AD.

When God is ready to destroy this earth by fire and create new heavens and a new earth, He will bring  judgment on the churches that have become increasingly apostate. God utilizes Satan for this dreadful  task even as He used the wicked nations of Assyria and Babylon to destroy ancient Israel. Satan will not  be the final victor. When Satan thinks he has won, God will bring him into judgment. Revelation 20:9 and the end of time will come… Glory to God.

Jesus Christ says I will send you the comforter the Holy Spirit.   That is what we are to TRUST.

God warns so lovingly… not deceived by no means My children by no means……

Shalom and be blessed of truth and Gods