Jan 262017
bible key

The study of both Hebrew and Greek can be rewarding and opens one eyes to deeper understanding. A good example is the issue of faith and the supposed differences between Paul and James. Actually there really was never a contention as both men held to a Hebrew form of faith rather than abstract faith or an idea. In Genesis 15:6 we find Abraham was counted as righteous because he supported the Lord; he relied on the Lord. He had a form of EMUNAH faith. True faith always has a flowering of good things coming out of it. James was concerned about dead abstract faith being substituted for genuine trust and the good it generates.

I hardly know Hebrew or Greek but over the last 15 years I have picked up some of both languages and it can open one up to deeper understandings. Another thing too is that it is always good to go back and look through the older blogs and postings. I hope those reading will find this short study helpful.

Pastor Zomok