I do hope there a some amongst you who have watched this movie…… if not a rare worthwhile watch.
Briefly the movie is about: In Pittsburgh, accomplished pathologist Dr. Bennet Omalu uncovers the truth about brain damage in football players who suffer repeated concussions in the course of normal play.
His deep faith in God motivates his conviction to stand for truth, which sets him against the world, its power, its manipulations and wicked men who will go to all lengths to discourage and discredit him… one man against the world.
This sure is food for thought and motivated me to write this post, as I found myself moved…….
When you become a true believer, you are on God’s side…and world will hate you for His name.
Hear ye me: When you become a follower of a religion, which is a division of beliefs according to groups of people even nations and organised to remain from generations to generations. In Christianity broadly in particular the divisions become further about denominations, also church doctrines, church creeds and families.
If, and when at any time in this ‘journey of many differing beliefs’ God saves you, something remarkable happens….. you become centred on God and his Word, the holy bible…. and then you realise that most things you have ‘heard’ and are spoken of in the world are against the word of God and suddenly find yourself in a situation of choice… very much like the disciples Jesus had chosen…. against the world, which follows and worships its father satan, also called the devil……
We need to realise in truth that satan created religions to divide mankind of the world, which he has done very successfully. Knowing Jesus had come and created His followers of the word, Satan started using first the jews, then the gentiles to go against God. Satan set what God calls ‘tares’ amongst the wheat, the lookalike followers of Jesus to cause deceit and confusion. This led to Paul writing almost 2/3rds of the new testament. Thereafter satan created his church the catholic church to direct the religious belief and in the dark ages that followed the church many millions where killed to enforce this religion. In todays days it re-emerged into the fore as the muslim religion attempts to enforce itself and many many are being killed some likely as you read this. The 2 are actually not much different in their essences, This not being sufficient, satan is (as allowed by God) establishing himself as the ruler of christianity today, coming in the likeness Jesus with all the devices in his wicked disposal, and with much success as all churches are falling one by one and the ‘abomination of desolation’ Daniel spoke of is now all around us ……. all perfectly foretold in Gods word, the bible.
What becomes very clear to me and others like me, when you become a true believer and follow Jesus and trust his word as authority, there will come many many many especially from the most unexpected direction, the christians themselves, and their words become the vilest and condemning and largely the most unbelieving of truth……….astounding but true,.
God loving words are for those few in the world as we read here in Joh 15:18 If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it has hated you.
Jos_1:9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and brave. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for Jehovah your God is with you in all places where you go
I can surely attest to this over the many past years and God willing, then will many more harsher to come… I stand for God and His word in truth, and the world is set against it, so be it, ….…I will embrace my suffering with joy and thanksgiving, Amen.
With much love and patience and may some hear and see. Minister Karl