JESUS CHRIST is GOD. He came as a man, to walk amongst us, to reveal himself and show that salvation can only be by Him alone. Jesus performed miracles, raised the dead, healed thousands, He was crucified, and rose again on the 3rd day, and was seen by men and women in AD33. That PROVES the He IS GOD, and we are to TRUST HIM alone. He PROVES and demonstrated SALVATION, which can only come by Him.
AND Him being the Holy spirit of GOD reveals the ONLY LIVING GOD that exists, our beloved Almighty Father, who is the 1st and the last, and there is none besides Him.
This we do by reading and studying the BIBLE, which is His Word for us men, women and children, who seek Him, and seek salvation to eternal life. KNOW this that “GOD is in NO religion”…..ALL religions are man made and ruled by satan, also called the devil. Glad to share TRUTH,
We read here in John 1 v17
For the Law was given through Moses, but GRACE and TRUTH came through Jesus Christ.
and in John 8 v32
And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Minister Karl Shalom